Reminder and Heads-Up!

Hello! I know that today is not my day to post, but I wanted to drop in and let you all know about some fun things coming up!

Some of you may remember that I reviewed an excellent book a few months ago: Preacher on the Run, by Jayna Baas. Jayna recently contacted me to let me know that she is running a blog tour for this book in November! This is an exciting opportunity to read this book (for those who haven’t yet) and to help promote it (even if you have read it)!! If you are interested in participating, please fill out the form here.**

And the reminder: next week I will be participating in the Five Fall Favorites blog party! This is a fun event in which the bloggers will be posting about their five favorite books in five different genres (and some will even include a bonus post on Saturday!). I hope you each can attend and find some great books to add to your TBR (To Be Read list)!

That’s all for now, and I hope to see you next week!

**I was not obligated to share this with you; I simply enjoyed Preacher on the Run and I like helping out indie authors, including my friend Jayna.

9 thoughts on “Reminder and Heads-Up!

  1. abbyelissa says:

    Looking forward to FFF!!! And I definitely want to read Preacher on the Run sometime – one of my closest friends recommended it to me! Maybe I can before too long!!!

  2. Lauren C says:

    Looking forward to reading Preacher on the Run! It seems to be set in a very intriguing time period! 😀 And I’m excited to see your book recommendations for Five Fall Favourites. 😉

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